Danfoss Controller for Temperature Control
• The controller is used for temperature control refrigeration appliances and cold room in supermarkets
• Control of defrost, fans, alarm and light
The controller contains a temperature control where the signal can be received from one temperature sensor.
The sensor is placed in the cold air flow after the evaporator or in the warm air flow just before the evaporator.
The controller controls the defrost with either natural defrost or electric defrost. Renewed cutin after defrost can be accomplished based on time or temperature.
A measurement of the defrost temperature can be obtained directly through the use of a defrost sensor.
Two to four relays will cut the required functions in and out – the application determines which:
• Refrigeration (compressor or solenoid valve)
• Defrost
• Fan
• Alarm
• Light
EKC 202A
Controller with two relay outputs, two temperature sensors and digital input.
- Temperature control at start/stop of compressor / solenoid valve
- Defrost sensor
- Electrical defrost / gas defrost
Alarm function
If an alarm function is required, relay number two may be used for it.
Defrost is performed here with circulation of the air as the fans are operating continuously.