WVFX / WVO / WVS, Pressure operated water valves
WVFX, WVO and WVS pressure operated water valves are used to regulate the flow of water in refrigeration plant with water-cooled condensers in order to ensure constant proportional regulation of condensing pressure. The water valve modulates the water flow to maintain the condensing pressure at a constant level during operation. When the refrigeration plant is stopped, the cooling water flow is shut off automatically.
Media: fresh water and neutral brine.
For use with aggressive media such as sea water, WVFX 15, WVFX 20 and WVFX 25 are available in stainless steel versions.
• Reliable design - factory setting is maintained during whole life cycle
• Insensitive to dirt - fit and forget solution
• High permissible water pressure (PS) =16 bar - can be used with water towers
• WVFX 10 – WVFX 40 are direct actuated valves
• WVS 32 – WVS 100 are servo-operated valves